Contact Us

To contact us please use one of the following methods and a member of our staff will contact you. If you would like to inquire about an info request, click here.

Phone (In Windsor): (519) 252-3331

Phone (In Detroit): (313) 965-1818

Toll Free in North America: 1-800-953-2875

Fax: (519) 252-5476


Our Location


From Detroit/Windsor Tunnel:
  • Turn left at customs exit, and make a 2nd left on to Ouellette Avenue (approx 50 yards ahead)
  • Drive south for approximately 1 mile, passing "Wyandotte St". and "Giles Ave."
  • After crossing "Ellis" Street, we are just ahead on the right about 100 yards past "Wendy's Restaurant"
  • Look for the blue "free customer parking" sign for our parking lot on the side of our building.
  • We are the office directly on the northwest corner of "Ouellette and Shepherd".
  • From the Ambassador Bridge:
  • At customs exit, continue south on Huron Church Road passing "McDonald's" to "Tecumseh Rd. W" (approx 1.5 miles ahead)
  • Turn left on to "Tecumseh Rd W."
  • Drive down "Tecumseh" for a couple of miles - road will eventually curve to the right and then a sharp left where you will pass "Bowlero" Bowling Alley on the right.
  • You will cross the train tracks and pass Dougall Avenue just ahead.
  • Stay on your left and at the next main intersection, at "Ouellette Avenue", turn left.
  • We are ahead on the left, at the corner of "Ouellette and Shepherd" which is the 1st sreetlight north of "Tecumseh".
  • For our "free parking" take the first driveway to the side of our building just past the intersection.
  • From Highway #401: •Take Highway #401 West heading to "Windsor"
  • Exit at the "downtown via Dougall Avenue" heading North.
  • You will travel north on Dougall Avenue for a few miles and go under the "E.C. Row Expressway".
  • Keep travelling north where the road will curve to the right and then left again, which will turn in to "Ouellette Avenue".
  • You will travel over the hill and pass "Tecumseh Rd" at the bottom of the hill.
  • We are just ahead on the left at the corner of "Ouellette and Shepherd" which is the 1st sreetlight north of "Tecumseh".
  • For our "free parking" take the first driveway to the side of our building just past the intersection.

  • Address in Canada:
    1499 Ouellette Ave.
    Windsor, Ontario
    N8X 1K1, Canada

    Address in United States:
    PO Box 32303
    Detroit, Michigan
    48232-0303, USA

    *prices shown from US gateways are in $USD

    *prices shown from US gateways are in $USD

    Hot Deals

    *prices shown from US gateways are in $USD